Monday, January 21, 2008

1/26 Sense of Scale

This is just a preliminary idea of a tower city that we were thinking of. We thought that we might as well post it just to give a sense of what we are up to: high density city layouts which incorporate and utilize the open air space above the ground. The city is concentrated within a 25 mile diameter dome that will be located on the lunar surface. It is just a concept and will not be used for our final design. We already have another idea that we are currently working on.
Video showing reactive wall.

This is a study of the front module faces reacting to human presence as the front panels extrude outside the wall.

This wall illustrates the various types of transparencies that can be achieved using the center of the module. Such uses of this wall type could be a bathroom within the opaque section and a kitchen in the translucent section.

This is our preliminary idea of introducing different intensities of light into our module.

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