Thursday, February 28, 2008

Residential Tower Sketches

Looking through the inner courtyard space between the residential towers from a catwalk

Thursday, February 21, 2008

These drawings illustrate how it would feel like to walk through the paths that hug around the towers. The bigger towers are the housings units, and the smaller ones represent other spaces such as retail.

Master Plan Stage II.5

Urban Layout alternative

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Urban Concepts and the Ant Hill + Midterm Stuff

Residential Tower detail showing living units and terrace/vegetation sections.

Section and background details of a dense area of the lunar colony. This allows for a better understanding of the 3d qualities of our design.
Model of living unit within the city residential towers.
Example of how models form and create architectural space that allows for adaptability and comfort.

Santorini, Greece is a good example that relates to our city design. The sprawl on the cliffsides resembles our "fungus" type growth of our city.

Another section with exterior form and structure

Concept sketch of a section of our city. It reveals the solids and voids that make up the different functions of a city.

This diagram illustrates a possible plan of our city. The thickened lines represent towers or highter areas of the city. These areas could house the inhabitants of the city, or function as a a means of transportation. The areas below these towers would house the vital program of the city such as industrial, agricultural, and research facilities.

Sample ant hills and colonies

This is a quick 3d diagram we made to study possible transportation connections.

This video shows possible sections of our lunar colony plan design which was derived from the structure and function of an ant hill.

Monday, January 21, 2008

1/26 Sense of Scale

This is just a preliminary idea of a tower city that we were thinking of. We thought that we might as well post it just to give a sense of what we are up to: high density city layouts which incorporate and utilize the open air space above the ground. The city is concentrated within a 25 mile diameter dome that will be located on the lunar surface. It is just a concept and will not be used for our final design. We already have another idea that we are currently working on.
Video showing reactive wall.

This is a study of the front module faces reacting to human presence as the front panels extrude outside the wall.

This wall illustrates the various types of transparencies that can be achieved using the center of the module. Such uses of this wall type could be a bathroom within the opaque section and a kitchen in the translucent section.

This is our preliminary idea of introducing different intensities of light into our module.

1/26 Diagram and Renderings

Diagram describing the various parts of our modules.

Module Kit of Parts

Introduction of pyramid modules into wall system. This allows for flat surfaces to be achieved.

1/24 Revised and updated module with modified latch system

Rendering showing various configurations of module.

Current module revealing new center "brain" that can expand and shrink to vary the levels of transparency. Also, the panels have been redesigned for mechanical and aesthetic purposes. The openings act as electrical and plumbing conduits as well as a means of light penetration and increased or decreased spaciousness.

Module opening at 0,2,4,6, and 8 inch intervals.

1/21 Preliminary Module Connections

Wall of modules connected with latch and bar system.

Image with latches hidden reveals the bars in which the latches connect and slide.

Detail of connected modules showing latch and bar system. The latches can slide up and down the bars to orient themselves for proper attachment. The bar also allows the latches to swivel or rotate about the bar, allowing the modules to flip over eachother or become more flexible as a structure.

Detail showing more clearly how the bars are part of the module. The latches are hidden in this view.

Architectural Prototypes of modules

Physical model of chair built of 1/2 scale modules.

This is an elevation of the chair.

Chair prototype...

Chair prototype, another view...

Example of toilet prototype. This would be attached to a wall using one of the modules on the toilet.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Module Wall Variations

Closed wall on the right begins to expand and grow. The legs of the modules push against each other and begin to create transparency within the wall.

Continuing to expand...

All modules are fully extended in this final image on the left. Solid to void ratio is around 1:1

Example of motion

A simple example of one possible method of motion that our module can perform. One leg lifts the module up, and another extends to shift the weight over. Other legs react to stabilize the module and keep it from falling over. Then the module determines which legs to retract in order to fall in a certain direction. This is only one theory on how our module can move. We are currently still working out the specific kinematics and animation of how the module will move.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Module update

Wall of modules in closed formation. Right now, we are currently developing methods that will allow the wall to open or close in certain areas. In order to do that, the module(s) that extend their legs will have to cause a reaction in which all the other modules in the wall conform to that configuration. In other words, if one module extends one leg in the middle of the wall, its neighboring modules will have to move to make room for the extending leg. Doing this will allow for varying states of openess in the wall. The modules will have to learn to push and squeeze against eachother

Module latch... To connect modules to one another. Since our current wall configuration has the modules connecting at the edge lines, we had to design a system in which to interlock the modules. In the picture, there is a center bar or guide that holds a latch in place. The latch can slide up and down the bar to allow for easier connection to a neighboring module. That way, the other module would not have to flip over if the latches were locked in place. The slot in the latch clips or snaps onto the bar of the neigboring module, therefore creating a tight connection between the two modules.

Close up of latch

Module with legs fully extended. This configuration reveals the center "brain" of the module. It is the mechanical and electrical control center of the module. It is also the area where the legs can retract and allow the module to close. The kinematics of the module is quite simple to understand. In a closed position, the module figures out its position and it's "right side up." It uses it's legs to pick itself up and orient itself. Then a simple movement of the arms and legs governs where and how fast it moves. Also, it can use one of it's legs to shift its weight and change direction.

Module with legs retracted